Jens Andermann

Jens Andermann is professor of Spanish and Portuguese at New York University and editor of the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. He has taught in London, Berlin and Zurich, and has been a visiting professor at the universities of Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Duke, Princeton and Columbia. Author of New Argentine Cinema (I. B. Tauris 2011; Paidós 2015), The Optic of the State: Visuality and Power in Argentina and Brazil (University of Pittsburgh Press2007; EdUERJ2014) and Mapas de poder: una arqueología literaria del espacio argenti- no (Beatriz Viterbo 2000). He organized compilations such as Natura: Environmental Aesthetics After Landscape (Diaphanes 2018), La escena y la pantalla: cine contemporáneo y el retorno de lo real (Colihue 2013), New Argentine and Brazilian Cinema: Reality Effects (Palgrave 2013), Galerias de progreso: exposiciones, museos y cultura visual en América Latina (Beatriz 2006), among others, as well as issues of journals on post-dictatorial memory and counter-monumentality in the Southern Cone and Brazil.

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