Guests and collaborators

The collaborators of Il Posto are those who have supported the task of disseminating and reflecting on the artists of the Il Posto Collection through exhibitions, research, talks and interviews.

The collaborators of Il Posto are those who have supported the task of disseminating and reflecting on the artists of the Il Posto Collection through exhibitions, research, talks and interviews.

Sebastián Valenzuela-Valdivia

Researcher and curator/editor of contemporary art. Some of his research include: Corpusgraphesis; Investigaciones del lenguaje a través del cuerpo de artistas (2013), Colección vecinal: la colaboración como producción de obra y el montaje como estrategia emacipativa (2014), La escenificación del Archivo, sus distintos fenómenos de recepción y manipulación (2015) y Escenificaciones del cuerpo a través del video el libro y la fotografía en Carlos Leppe (2016-2017), Archivo, cuerpo y performance en Marcela Serrano (2018-2020) y Del cuerpo al archivo. Foto, video y libro performance en Chile [1973-1990] (2021-2022). He is currently director of ECFRASIS.COM; coordinator of the "Pensamiento y Editorialidad" area of the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende and coordinator of the "Patrimonio Comunitario" program of the Centro Cultural de España in Santiago, Chile.

Sebastian Vidal

Born in Santiago, Chile in 1978. Holds a PhD in Art History from the University of Texas at Austin, is director of the BA program in Art Theory and History at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado and an independent curator. He worked for five years in the founding team of the Centro de Documentación de las Artes del Centro Cultural Palacio La Moneda as an archival researcher.

Sophie Halart

PhD in Art History from University College London (UK) and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Aesthetics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Her areas of research are art and gender in Latin America; motherhood and feminisms; and contemporary art and climate change.

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