Guests and collaborators

The collaborators of Il Posto are those who have supported the task of disseminating and reflecting on the artists of the Il Posto Collection through exhibitions, research, talks and interviews.

The collaborators of Il Posto are those who have supported the task of disseminating and reflecting on the artists of the Il Posto Collection through exhibitions, research, talks and interviews.

Aimé Iglesias Lukin

Aimé Iglesias Lukin is an art historian and curator. Born and raised in Buenos Aires, she has lived in New York since 2011. Her PhD in art history from Rutgers University, titled "This Must Be the Place: Latin American Artists in New York 1965-1975", became an exhibition in Americas Society in 2021. She completed her master's degree at the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University and his undergraduate studies in art history at the University of Buenos Aires. She has been an independent curator of exhibitions in museums and cultural centers, and previously worked in the Department of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Institute of Latin American Art Studies, and the Proa Foundation of Buenos Aires. She is currently the Director of the Americas Society of Visual Arts in New York.

Amalia Cross

Viña del Mar, Chile, 1989. She is an art historian and curator. She researches, writes and exhibits on Chilean and Latin American art. She is the author of the book "Álvaro Guevara. La tela, el papel y el cuadrilátero" (Mundana Ediciones, 2019), co-editor of the independent label Ediciones JGV and, since 2016, professor at the Art Institute of the PUCV.

Ana María Risco

PhD in Philosophy, Master in Theory and History of Art and Journalist from the Universidad de Chile. Her areas of research are art literature; art criticism; writings on art in Chile; and the relationships between image and writing. She has published books such as Luces Equidistantes. Enrique Lihn y las artes visuales (2022), Crítica situada. La escritura de Enrique Lihn sobre las artes visuales (2004) and La deriva líquida del ojo. Ensayos sobre la obra de Alfredo Jaar (2017)

Ariel Florencia Richards

Writer and visual arts researcher. She studied Design at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV) and Aesthetics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). She completed a Masters in Creative Writing at New York University (NYU). She worked as a cultural editor for different print media, such as Viernes magazine, ED magazine and Paula. She is pursuing a PhD in Arts at PUC, where she researches the relationship between performance and gender.

Claudia Hakim

Colombian artist and cultural manager. In 2011 she opened NC-Arte, in Bogota, a cultural and educational space of the Neme Foundation, whose main purpose is to contribute to the development of the visual arts in Colombia and Latin America. She is currently the director of the Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá (MAMBO).

Cuauhtémoc Medina

Mexican art critic, curator, and art historian currently living and working in Mexico City. He holds a Ph.D. in History and Theory of Art from the University of Essex and a BA in History from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Medina has been a full-time researcher at the Institute of Aesthetic Investigations at UNAM since 1992 and he currently serves as Chief Curator at the Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC) in Mexico City. Between 2002-2008 he served as the first Associate Curator of Latin American Art Collections at the Tate Modern, London. In his long and fruitful career, he has collaborated with many prominent international and Latin American artists, such as Hito Steyerl, Andrea Fraser, and Teresa Margolles.

Diego Parra

Critic and art historian with studies in editorial work. He writes regularly in specialized media, where he reflects on the link between art and politics. During 2017 he was part of the team of the research project "Arte y Política 2005-2015" , directed by Nelly Richard. She currently works as a professor of Art History at the Universidad de Chile.

Eugenio Viola

Italian art critic and curator. He received his PhD in “Methods and Methodologies of Archaeological and Historical-Artistic Research” at University of Salerno, and specializes in the experiences and theories related to performance and bodily poetics. On this subject Viola most notably edited monographs devoted to Marina Abramović, (Sole 24 Ore Cultura, Milan), Regina Jose Galindo (Skira, Milan, 2014), and ORLAN (Ed. Charta, Milan- New York, 2007) among others, and published a number of essays for international publications. He is the current Chief Curator of The Museum Of Modern Art Of Bogota, Colombia (MAMBO).

Federico Galende

Writer, philosopher and professor at the Universidad de Chile. He has published, among other books, Me dijo Miranda (2022), La vida inmueble (2022), Retrato del artista como Samurái (2020), Filtraciones. Conversaciones sobre el arte en Chile (2019) and Rancière. El presupuesto de la igualdad en la política y en la estética (2019). He currently works as Director of Extension and Communications of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Chile.

Gala Berger

Gala Berger (Villa Gesell, 1983) is a visual artist and independent curator, currently based in Lima, Peru. Berger's work is rooted in Latin America and for the development of her projects she builds independent spaces. Co-founder of Casa MA [2018-2022] , co-founder of the experimental museum La Ene (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Nueva Energía 2010 - 2020) and co-founder of Feria de Arte Impreso Paraguay.

GPA (Grupo de Publicaciones Artísticas)

The "Grupo de investigación-creación de Publicaciones Artísticas" (GPA) of the Faculty of Arts of the Finis Terrae University is the first Academic Working Group of the University. Created in March 2023, the project seeks to promote, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the creation, dissemination and research of artistic publications. The GPA team is form by Megumi Andrade Kobayashi, teacher and researcher; Carla Motto, teacher and artist; and Alberto Zamora, teacher and artist.

Ignacio Szmulewicz

Ignacio Szmulewicz Ramírez (1986) is a historian, curator and art critic trained at the Universidad de Chile. He holds a Master's degree in Architecture from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He has specialized in the areas of modern and contemporary art, public, Chilean and Latin American art. He has published the books Fuera del cubo blanco: lecturas sobre arte público contemporáneo (Metales Pesados, 2012), Arte, ciudad y esfera pública en Chile (Metales Pesados, 2015) and El acantilado de la libertad. Antología de crónicas valdivianas 1977-1992 (Kultrún, 2015) and has developed the curatorial projects Artes Visuales en Valdivia: archivo 1977-1986 (MAC-Valdivia, 2010), Matadero (Cubículo Metales Pesados, 2012), Spoilers (Galería AFA, 2013) and Ciudad H (2014-2015).

Javier Guerrero

Javier Guerrero is an Associate Professor in Latin American studies at Princeton University. His literary work explores the intersection between visual culture, gender studies and sexuality in Latin America. Guerrero is the author of, "Escribir después de morir." "El archivo y el más allá" (Metales Pesados, 2022); "Tecnologías del cuerpo." "Exhibicionismo y visualidad en América Latina" (Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2014); a book on the filmmaker Mauricio Walerstein (FCN, 2002), and the novel "Balnearios de Etiopia" (Eterna Cadencia, 2010).

Jens Andermann

Jens Andermann is professor of Spanish and Portuguese at New York University and editor of the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. He has taught in London, Berlin and Zurich, and has been a visiting professor at the universities of Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Duke, Princeton and Columbia. Author of New Argentine Cinema (I. B. Tauris 2011; Paidós 2015), The Optic of the State: Visuality and Power in Argentina and Brazil (University of Pittsburgh Press2007; EdUERJ2014) and Mapas de poder: una arqueología literaria del espacio argenti- no (Beatriz Viterbo 2000). He organized compilations such as Natura: Environmental Aesthetics After Landscape (Diaphanes 2018), La escena y la pantalla: cine contemporáneo y el retorno de lo real (Colihue 2013), New Argentine and Brazilian Cinema: Reality Effects (Palgrave 2013), Galerias de progreso: exposiciones, museos y cultura visual en América Latina (Beatriz 2006), among others, as well as issues of journals on post-dictatorial memory and counter-monumentality in the Southern Cone and Brazil.

José Luis Falconi

Artist, curator, art critic, writer and editor. He was curator of Art Forum at the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University, where he curated over thirty exhibitions of cutting-edge Latino and Latin American artists. Until July 2017, he was a member of the Department of Art History and Architecture at Harvard University, where he completed his postdoctoral studies. He currently serves as Professor of Art and Human Rights at the University of Connecticut.

Juan José Santos

Art critic and independent curator. He is founding director of Art on Trial. Author of the book "Curaduría de Latinoamérica" (Cendeac, 2018), "Curaduría de Latinoamérica Vol II" (Cendeac, 2020) and "Juicio al postjuicio. ¿Para qué sirve hoy la crítica de arte?" (Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes de España, 2019). Contributor to El País and its supplement Babelia, ARTnews, Bomb magazine, Momus, Spike or Berlin Art Link among others. PhD student at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid with a research on alternative museums in Latin America.

Lía Colombino

Lia Colombino was born in Asunción, in 1974. She holds a master's degree in Museology from the University of Valladolid. She was part of the seminars Identidades en Tránsito and Estudios de Crítica Cultural del Seminario Espacio/Crítica (2001-2008). She is currently pursuing a PhD in Arts at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes de Buenos Aires (in agreement with the Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentina). She is director of the Museo de Arte Indígena del CAV/Museo del Barro since 2008, and coordinator of the Seminario Espacio/Crítica, from 2009 to 2017. Since 2009 she has been a member of the Red Conceptualismos del Sur. She is co-founder of Ediciones de la Ura, a transdisciplinary collective. She coordinates Abrapalabra-Writing Workshop since 2000 as well as Tragaluz/Espacio Transversal, where workshops, courses and meetings are held. Currently and since 2018, she holds the position of director at the Instituto Superior de Arte "Dra. Olga Blinder" of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Art of the Universidad Nacional de Asunción. She has curated exhibitions, coordinated art and literature projects. She has written for the media and specialized publications, and has given lectures and conferences both in Paraguay and abroad.

Manuela Moscoso

Ecuadorian curator and inaugural executive director of the Center for Art Research and Alliances (CARA) in New York City. Inspired by non-Western ways of thinking, Moscoso investigates different interpretations around ideas of corporeality, porosity, kinship and digestion as a way to challenge the Western conception of the body and its relationships. Until 2018 she was senior curator at the Museo Tamayo in Mexico City, where she worked with artists such as Chimurenga, Nina Canell, Yael Davids, Trevor Paglen or Rashid Johnson. She is part of the advisory committee of the Helsinki Biennial 22-23, and was the curator of the Liverpool Biennial 2021 and associate curator of the Cuenca Biennial 12, 2014.

Matias Celedón

Matías Celedón was born in Santiago, Chile, in 1981. He is an award-winning novelist, journalist, and screenwriter, author of four novels. "La Filial", "Trama y urdimbre", "Buscanidos" and "El Clan Braniff." He lives in Santiago.

Miguel A. López

Miguel A. López (Lima, 1983) is a writer, researcher, and independent curator. Between 2015 and 2020 he worked as chief curator and then as co-director of TEOR/éTica, Costa Rica. His practice focuses mainly on collective processes, experimental art, feminist art, and the themes of gender and sexuality traversed by the processes of political memory. He is the author of Robar la historia, Contrarrelatos y prácticas artísticas de oposición (2017), Ficciones disidentes en la tierra de la misoginia (2019), among others. He is curator of the retrospective exhibition "Cecilia Vicuña: Seeing Illuminated Failure" recently presented at the Banco de la República, Colombia.

Nancy Rojas

Argentinean teacher and curator. She is the author of Mugre severa, published by Caracol publishing house (Buenos Aires, 2021), and co-author of Las olas del deseo, published by the National Ministry of Culture (Buenos Aires, 2021), in addition to several essays published in different catalogs and books. In the last years she has curated several exhibitions that explore some of the symptomatic crossings of the present between queer culture, its micropolitical drifts and contemporary images. She is a member of the Asociación Argentina de Críticxs de Arte and since 2022 she is part of the curatorial team of the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA).

Natalia Sosa

Artist, curator and cultural manager. She is licensed in Textile Art at the University of Buenos Aires and Photography at the same university. She has been the director of the Chien Noir Gallery (Buenos Aires) from 2016 to 2019. She is currently part of the coordinating team of the RESET platform of criticism and thought at Fundación Proa. She is also curator of the Montes no Visibles cycle at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires MACBA and a researcher in residence at Pivo, Brasil 2023.

Paz Lopez

Chile, 1981. Doctor in Philosophy with a major in Aesthetics and Art Theory and Master in Theory and History of Art from the University of Chile. Sociologist, Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales. She coordinated and then directed the Master in Cultural Studies at ARCIS University (2006-2015) and the Line of Visual Studies at the School of Art, Universidad Diego Portales (2017-2019) She is currently a professor at the School of Art, Universidad Diego Portales and the Institute of Aesthetics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She has published texts on Latin American art and literature in various national and foreign written media, and participated in various research projects in the same line. He directed the culture supplement of the newspaper El Desconcierto. He is currently part of the editorial team of the digital magazine Atlas: Fotografía e Imagen and collaborates with the magazine Artishock.

Sebastián Valenzuela-Valdivia

Researcher and curator/editor of contemporary art. Some of his research include: Corpusgraphesis; Investigaciones del lenguaje a través del cuerpo de artistas (2013), Colección vecinal: la colaboración como producción de obra y el montaje como estrategia emacipativa (2014), La escenificación del Archivo, sus distintos fenómenos de recepción y manipulación (2015) y Escenificaciones del cuerpo a través del video el libro y la fotografía en Carlos Leppe (2016-2017), Archivo, cuerpo y performance en Marcela Serrano (2018-2020) y Del cuerpo al archivo. Foto, video y libro performance en Chile [1973-1990] (2021-2022). He is currently director of ECFRASIS.COM; coordinator of the "Pensamiento y Editorialidad" area of the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende and coordinator of the "Patrimonio Comunitario" program of the Centro Cultural de España in Santiago, Chile.

Sebastian Vidal

Born in Santiago, Chile in 1978. Holds a PhD in Art History from the University of Texas at Austin, is director of the BA program in Art Theory and History at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado and an independent curator. He worked for five years in the founding team of the Centro de Documentación de las Artes del Centro Cultural Palacio La Moneda as an archival researcher.

Sophie Halart

PhD in Art History from University College London (UK) and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Aesthetics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Her areas of research are art and gender in Latin America; motherhood and feminisms; and contemporary art and climate change.

Victor López

Chilean poet, critic and curator. He is currently a member of the coordinating team of the RESET platform of criticism and thought at Fundación Proa. He has published “Los surfistas” (VOX, 2006); “Anleitung, um sich in der Stadt zu vertieren” (Lanzallamas/Latinale, 2009); “Guía para perderse en la ciudad” (Ripio, 2010; VOX, 2012; Liliputienses, 2014; Premio Municipal de Poesía 2011); “Erosión” (Alquimia, 2014); “Mi hermano” (Vox, 2015); “La forma de tu mano” (Cuadro de Tiza, 2015); “Bocetos de plantas y animales” (Liliputienses, 2017); “Los surfistas y otros poemas” (Editorial Aparte, 2018), and many other texts. He is also curator of the Montes no Visibles cycle at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires MACBA and a researcher in residence at Pivo, Brasil 2023.

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