Juan Luis Martinez

Viña del Mar, 1942

Juan Luis Martínez, writer and visual artist. He was born in Viña del Mar, Chile, on July 7, 1942 and died in Villa Alemana, Chile, on March 29, 1993.

Recognized as a literature author, intellectual and independent visual artist. He settled in the V region of Chile where he developed a particular way of approaching art that led him to ignore any type of reference to his academic training or affiliation to any school or workshop. Despite his importance in the development of Chilean avant-garde art, he remained marginalized from the debate, accompanied by a reduced number of followers. The artist’s search is summarized in his own words: «The universe is the effort of a ghost to become reality» as he expressed it in his written work, La Nueva Novela in 1997.

¡La suscripción ha sido realizada con éxito!

¡Ups hubo un error!